Saturday, January 5, 2019

Wisdom From the Trenches of 2018

"Once in a while you get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right." ~Grateful Dead

January: Loss. An extraordinary, but complicated friendship ended. Our soul contract had ended years prior, and maybe I should have seen it coming--we've done this for lifetimes. I sent out a prayer of gratitude and burned the last of the damiana. I also lost my bank card and a bit of my sanity. But such is life.

February: Excess. Between two jobs, teaching yoga, tarot classes, writing workshops, and coven gatherings, when do I have time to just be? I will tell you: In the moment. Just be present. Be the eye of your own hurricane.

March: Release. What would happen to my life in Chiang Mai if I quit the job I moved here for? All I know for sure is when a void is created be mindful of what goes into all that empty space.

April: Connect. I landed on Bali with Meno's question lingering in the back of my mind: How will you go about finding that thing the nature of which is totally unknown to you? Through the alchemy and magic of human connection.

May: Allow. What would it be like to move out of the city and into a rustic little hut in the jungle? Step carefully. Ease into this new life and let the ever morphing nature of Chiang Mai fill in all around.

June: Stillness. I've nothing to do most days except sink into the still quietness of this jungle life. This is where intuition strengthens and the journey to other worlds begin.

July: Expansion. In what new ways can I move out of my comfort zone? My soul knows better than I do so I head to Vietnam. Challenging and eye-opening and at times shocking, I adapt and I learn to navigate through this strange new energy.

August: Discover. Epic rides along the coast and through the jungle--the freedom of the open road sparks inspiration and ancient memories. I didn't just discover hidden layers of Vietnam, but a story tucked deep inside of me that began to inch its way out.

September: Integrate. Detox, meditate, integrate, repeat.

October: Alignment. My third birthday on this magic island in the Gulf of Thailand. I'm lured back here each year to reevaluate and realign, to walk the labyrinth and ask more questions. Hammock naps hold the answers to everything.

November: Discipline. Thirty days and 52000 words later I have a very rough draft of a new novel. Discipline is not just mindset. It's also structure and a solid, supportive community of friends who are on the journey too.

December: Healing. Sometimes it takes extreme circumstances to bring me back to point zero. Some times it takes going off grid into the heart of Laos and falling off a motorbike to get me there. Lots of rest and recovery. It took three weeks for my body to fully come out of shock--and to finally heal.

I slid into 2019 with ease. I was asleep well before midnight and woke up to a new year. A calm blanket of peace washes over me as I move slow through this first week of January. It is going to be an amazing year of curiosity and creation and, of course, magic.

I dare you to tap into your unlimited potential and work it to your advantage this year. What will you create? What magic will you cultivate? 


  1. Did you seriously have an month of recovery in December? 😂. So Thanksgiving weekend i fell coming down my steps and broke 3 bones in my ankle. Surgery and 6 weeks later... I go in tomorrow and expect to be able to finally put weight on it. So i guess we’ve both been in physical recovery mode. Sending ❤️ And so many well wishes for a speedy recovery!

  2. Hammock naps hold the answers to everything YES! :)

    Oh no, so sorry about the motorbike thing. Did you break something? Good thing the body KNOWS how to heal.


  3. Mandy! Great chatting with you the other day! Glad to hear you're doing better, and a speedy recovering to you too ❤️

  4. Kate ❤️ Nothing broken, just a sprained foot and a very sore, tense body. Yes! The body knows what to do. The trick is to relax and allow it to do its thing 😊

  5. Wow Sara your attention to detail reminds me of when I did my 4 years in the navy...everything always detailed. Those are a lot of different experiences to have experienced in this last year especially with the quickening of time. I continue to be stunned almost everytime I journey off on the motorbike by my surroundings in these times. Look at these very convenient 711s and mini-marts everywhere...hahahaha. Your attention to detail and organization I would think make you a very good teacher. Did you make that big move yet Sara?

  6. Hey Mike! Thank you 😃 Not yet...I leave for the US in early March, then back to CM in early April for a few more weeks. I will make my "big move" to the island on May 1st 😃

    I'm planning on visiting the kids this month before they graduate and disperse into other CM schools. Do you want to visit them with me? It will probably be my last time seeing many of the 6th graders. I'm aiming for mid-February before they start their finals. Great to hear from you! Thanks for keeping in touch ✨
